On June 8, 2004, observers around much of
the world saw Venus drift across the face of the sun as Venus passed between the
sun and earth. What a sight it was! The next transit of
Venus occurs in June 2012. You don't want to miss
for 2012
Get path details, contact times, and global
weather prospects for the June 5-6, 2012 transit of
Venus. See 2012.htm.
(Credit: HM Nautical Almanac Office) |
of the 2004 Transit View images and movies
from around the world of the 2004 transit and of people witnessing the
spectacle. Oh, yeah! See images.htm. (Credit:
Dutch Open Telescope) |
Learn More
View a collection of activities, lesson plans, videos, simulations and online resources that explain the transit of Venus and its
significance. See educ.htm.
Quick Tip...
your Eclipse Shades or protective eyewear in a safe place to use
when major sunspots emerge. You never know when our nearby star will
become active, allowing you to view safely the dynamic sun. For daily solar weather reports, see http://www.spaceweather.com. |
from the Transit of Venus celebration in Mishawaka, Indiana, USA, are at june8.htm.
A transit of Venus is so rare that, up to June 8, 2004, no human then alive
witnessed this celestial event. Simple as transits may seem, they are
instrumental in defining our place in the cosmos. Historically,
global expeditions timed transits of Venus to quantify the size of
the solar system. In the modern era, astronomers use spacecraft
and other techniques to seek earth-class planets transiting
distant stars. Then next transit of Venus is June
5-6, 2012.
"Transit of Venus
dot org" will guide you to instructions for
safe viewing; interactive education and hands-on activities; global observing
programs for students; background information and tutorials; insights into
historical endeavors and the adventures of explorers; the role of spacecraft and
the search for extra-solar planets; and miscellaneous items relating to the transit of Venus.
Google's Zeitgeist
feature rated the Transit of Venus as the
#1 Most Popular Event of June 2004.
June 5-6, 2012
Transit of Venus |
Get ready to see the June 5-6, 2012, transit of Venus!
- where the transit will be seen
- starting and ending times
- the path of Venus across the sun's disk
- global maps
- local circumstances
2006 Transit of Mercury |
View details and images of the Transit of Mercury
that occurred
November 8, 2006.
Safety! |
"Do not look at the sun without proper eye
protection." While that warning is seemingly obvious, what does it mean
to the person who still wants to witness the transit of Venus?
Suggested viewing techniques help you to enjoy the sight without losing
yours. Observers are still responsible for their own eye safety. |
Resources |
- Transit of Venus Program on DVD and CD
- hands-on activities and lesson plans
- interactive programs, animations, simulations and Applets
- publications, workshops, conferences
- NASA Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum
Historical Observations
And Global Expeditions |
- Extensive bibliography
- Summaries of global expeditions
- Original prints, maps, drawings, photographs
- Popular accounts, newspaper headlines and excerpts
- 1769 Transit of Venus-
incl. Jeremiah Horrocks, St. Michael Church in Hoole
1761 & 1769 Transits of Venus-
incl. Le Gentil, Father Hell, Mason &
Dixon, Captain James Cook
1874 & 1882 Transits of Venus-
global expeditions and international
- Original US Naval Observatory expedition photographs
- Photographic techniques introduced
- Women observers
- Archival records and historic documents
Science and Math
of Transits |
- Measuring the distance to the sun
- The infamous "black drop" effect
- The irregular period of transits
- Advanced amateur program to find extra-solar planets
- Background on the planet Venus
the Search for
Extra-Solar Planets
- Kepler spacecraft-
incl. mission overview, images, animations,
models, FAQ
- SOHO spacecraft
incl. images of sun in multiple wavelengths,
resources, Sun as Art
- TRACE spacecraft
- Transit of Mercury images
- Searching for extra-solar planets via transits
SETI and the "wink" method
For an expanded version of the many subjects contained on this website,
see our
full-length site map. Highlights include:
- Observing projects
- Black drop effect
- Kids Stuff
- Shop of transit of Venus souvenirs
- Music related to the transit of Venus
- US Naval Observatory historic photographs
- The PHM Planetarium & Air/Space Museum in Mishawaka, IN
- Oodles more
Caveat about believing everything you see on the Internet (including here).
The PHM Planetarium & Air/Space Museum in
Mishawaka, Indiana, actively supports transit of Venus programming.
www.astronomy2009.us Six major themes support the U.S. goal for the International Year of
Astronomy in 2009: “To offer an engaging astronomy experience to every
person in the country, and build new partnerships to sustain public
MySpace page supports the International Year of Astronomy in 2009. |
Some images posted on this website are copyrighted by, are the
property of, and are to be credited to the owner to whom the thumbnail images link.
Those images are
reproduced here for educational purposes only under the Fair Use provisions of
copyright law. All other original material posted by Chuck Bueter within www.transitofvenus.org
may be reproduced freely for educational purposes. Please credit the
appropriate sources; ask if you have any questions. Your
comments, corrections, suggestions, links, and educational contributions are always welcome.