Transit of Venus
Transit of Venus Soundtrack
John Philip Sousa
Library of Congress Collection
Willow Mackey
Matt Rumley
The Chromatics
Franz Koklmann
Nigel Helyer and Simo Alitalo
The Singing Sun
Transit of Venus Soundtrack
The soundtrack to the Transit
of Venus
program is available for educators through the Great
Lakes Planetarium Association (GLPA). You can also view links to the
audio CD contents
and an order
Once Around the Sun by Joby Talbot includes new song entitled "June:
Transit of Venus."
John Philip Sousa
The Library of Congress has compiled a thorough collection of music related
to the transit of Venus, including
John Philip Sousa's Transit of Venus March. You can see the entire
history of Sousa's piece, hear a modern orchestrated version, and download
a FREE band score. Sousa originally composed the march for the unveiling
ceremony of the statue of Joseph
Henry, the first Secretary of the Smithsonian
Institution. The ceremony had been planned to occur before the 1882
transit, but didn't actually happen until April 19, 1883. Henry, whose
statue is now in front of the Smithsonian "Castle" in Washington,
D.C., was on the U.S. Transit of Venus Commission. (More info from Sun-Earth
Connection Education Forum Venus Transit Background Reading- Music and
Literature at http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/sunearthday/2004/vtbackmusic.htm.
Megan Dowell, Family
Readiness Leader of the 428th MP Company, and Chuck Bueter introduce John Philip
Sousa's Transit of Venus March at the Spring Band Concert; (audio only).
The PHM Band performs John Philip Sousa's Transit of Venus March at
the Spring Band Concert; (audio only).
Transit of Venus for Flutes includes a solo study, a flute duet, and
a concerto version, which commemorate the transit of Venus while noting the
presence of flutes in the South Pacific as recorded by James Cook's expedition;
from John Wesley Barker. Image
from http://transitofvenus.auckland.ac.nz/explorations/imggal/cooks_pg_arttahiti9.html.
The Library of Congress features other transit-related music within its
Article in Washington Post details the efforts of
Loras Schissel, the Virginia Grand Military Band, Sten Odenwald, and the Library
of Congress to resurrect Sousa's Transit of Venus March. See Dusting Off a Rarity for Venus's Celestial March,
by Reilly Capps, October 31, 2003.
The Bovaco Catalog carries John
Philip Sousa's Transit of Venus March band arrangement. The march
costs $25.00 (plus UPS shipping) for a reprint of each published part on 8.5 x
11-inch pages. You may reproduce as many copies for your own use as
necessary. You may call them at (480) 948-9870 or write them at The
Detroit Concert Band, Inc.,
7443 East Butherus, Suite 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85260.
John Philip Sousa's Transit
of Venus March; (MIDI file).
[Broken link, May 24, 2004]
John Philip Sousa, the famous bandmaster, wrote a 1920 novel Transit of
Venus about an imaginary voyage to photograph the event.
The following is excerpted from the 2004 Astronomical
Calendar, courtesy of Guy Ottewell.

The music of Matt Rumley is featured in the Transit
of Venus program. The
Meet the Neighbors: Planets Around Nearby Stars is an AstroCappella
lesson plan to accompany their song Dance of the Planets. High school students investigate the dimming caused by a
transit; determine a planet's radius and orbital distance from transit data; and
compare results of the extrasolar planetary system with our solar system; ( PDF file).
Review of Franz Koklmann's Venus in Transit soundtrack. Nigel
Helyer and Simo Alitalo
Excerpted from http://www.abc.net.au/classic/lroom/stories/s386919.htm:
The Transit of Venus
Celebrating The Planets at night...An evocative radiophonic program exploring recorded observations on nature
during the Transit of Venus and, most interestingly, contact and cohabitation
with the peoples inhabiting the Pacific by those who travelled aboard Cook's
Endeavour, as well as other voyagers like Bougainville. At the centre of
this radiophonic meditation is the realised character of Herman Sporing, the
Finnish draughtsman and naturalist who travelled with Cook.
The Singing Sun
Recordings of acoustical pressure waves (much like a bell) in the sun by SOHO
spacecraft yield information about how the structure of the sun's interior
shapes its surface.
Solar Music--Helioseismology
Lesson plan on Solar Music- Helioseismology encourages
students to listen to the Sun's heartbeat to learn about the inside of
the Sun.
More Music
See also the Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum's Music
& Literature page at http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/sunearthday/2004/vtbackmusic.htm. 

Loras Schissel and the Virginia Grand Military Band generously gave permission for their recording of Sousa's Transit of
Venus March to be included in the Transit of Venus Program being
compiled as part of a Toyota TAPESTRY grant for educators. Visit the Transit
of Venus clearinghouse at http://analyzer.depaul.edu/paperplate/transit.htm
for information on the distribution of this educational resource. |