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 Transit of Venus  

June 8, 2004!

  From Mishawaka, Indiana, USA

3rd Contact!

The transit of Venus was witnessed and celebrated from Mishawaka, Indiana, USA, under very good conditions.  We had successful stargazing the night of June 7; webcasts beginning at midnight (EST); clear skies at sunrise; perhaps 20 quality telescopes and viewing devices; and a crowd of enthusiasts.  As third contact approached, so too did a large bank of low clouds.  However, the clouds cleared in time to capture that elusive moment.   

Visually, the transit of Venus at third contact was more rewarding than I had anticipated.  No appreciable black drop effect appeared, on which we could blame diverse timings.  I was taken aback by how difficult it was to discern the exact second of contact.  Only part of it can be attributed to the festival-like atmosphere we sought.

Details about the celebration and our experience will be uploaded after we tend to some necessary business--sending many thank-you notes, paying bills, gathering images and stories, and getting some sleep.  In the meantime, we thank the many businesses and individuals who supported our efforts to bring this dynamic solar system experience to our community.  

Brian Davis wrote a descriptive observing report about his experience. 

Media Coverage Continues

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Preparing the Main Observing Site

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Webcasts of 1st and 2nd Contacts

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June 8, 2004: Transit of Venus at Sunrise

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Clouds Threaten Third Contact

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Broadcast of WWV Time Signal, courtesy of  Radio Operator John Fleming (W3GQJ)

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Clouds Clear

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Third Contact on Rear Projection Screen

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Image courtesy of Cathy McCormick.

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Aligning with moon.
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Observing the moon
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Preparing scopes.
Images courtesy of Don Darnell.
University of Notre Dame physics students watch the transit of Venus from the PHM site in Mishawaka, IN.

The following table of images are courtesy of Ralph Garhart:

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A story and images in the South Bend Tribune; online for a limited time.

The June 4th Artist's Reception for the Transit of Venus Art Exhibit opened the community celebrations and continues through June 30, 2004.

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On June 5, 2004, The Pub promoted the transit of Venus and hosted Matt Rumley for an outstanding performance.

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