Our temporary exhibit on the Civil War accompanied the 2004 programs listed below.  Framed slave documents were on display as well as a lighted display case featuring original Civil War artifacts.

Civil War/Slavery                               

    This60 minute presentation utilizes: the Planetarium sky; a display case full of Civil War Artifacts; and, framed original slave documents.  In addition the presentation is highlighted by various re-enacted Civil War video clips featuring: John Brown’s Trial, Slave conditions, Emancipation Proclamation; 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Negro Unit, the heroic battle of the 54th at Fort Wagner. 

     The Planetarium sky is used to tell the story of: “Follow the Drinking Gourd.”  The Drinking Gourd is the Big Dipper and North Star the Slaves used to lead them north and to their freedom

Civil War Pt. 2                                             

     This 60 minute presentation is a video re-enactment taken from many sources that features: the events that led to the Civil War;  Civil War battles such as:  Bull Run (1st Manassas, ) Fredericksburg, Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and Petersburg;  the surrender at Appomattox.



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