Instructions for Observing
the Transit of Venus
U.S. Naval Observatory, 1882
In preparation for the 1882 transit of Venus expeditions, the United States
Naval Observatory printed a publication listing the detailed duties of each
member of the expedition team. Based on the experiences of the 1874
expeditions eight years prior, the book explains what the observer may expect to
see and how to discern the instant of contact. The excerpts below may be
useful for 21st century observers, though modern efforts cannot expect to
sidestep the difficulties of getting an accurate timing.
Thanks to Robert Havlik for finding this publication in the John Crerar
Library, Chicago.
Peter Broughton writes at http://www.rasc.ca/historical/transit.pdf:
"For everyone hoping to see the transit on June 8, 2004, there are
certainly lessons to be learned from the past. Those who wish to time the
contacts would be well advise to practise ahead of time with computer
simulations and to be well aware of the different states that might be observed
near internal contact such as the halo that surrounds the planet before, and the
formation and breaking of a dark thread after contact. Even with such
modern trappings as radio-time signals, video and digital recording, can any
observers time the contacts better than their forebears of the nineteenth or
even the eighteenth century?"
At the critical moment when observers try to time when Venus touches the
inside edge of the sun, strange phenomena such as the black
drop effect suddenly emerge. This site guides observers in discerning
at what instant internal contact occurs; from Steven van Roode.